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Welcome to PSEDB, an unofficial, developer-friendly dataset of Indonesia's registered Private Sector Electronic System Operators (PSE/ESO) and operating sites. This data may also be used for existing PSE/ESO-compliant web services for filtering or moderating external links and content. For example, when showing comments from external sites.

Example dataset usage
Example usage

This API service is static (not dynamic) and must be updated regularly to reflect changes in the official PSE/ESO dataset provided by the Ministry of Telecommunication and Informatics, Republic of Indonesia.

If you have just set up your local copy of PSEDB through our Git repository, you can also fetch the latest version by running git pull regularly. However, those who prefer using Go may simply run go run main.go on the repository's root directory.

Our official version of the dataset, as hosted on and our Git repository, is currently automated using GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, and a homegrown CI service. You may also support us through GitHub Sponsors, Nih Buat Jajan, and Saweria.

Using the API

To fetch the data, perform a GET request to /url/{reversed domain name with slash instead of dot}.json, such as /url/id/reinhart1010/psedb.json for

Please also beware of sites who are using the www subdomain, since we treat them explicitly as different site than the root domain. For example, if on /url/id/reinhart1010.json returns a 404 - Not Found response, try checking /url/id/reinhart1010/www.json for

You can check the API here.

Official ESO/PSE Dataset © Ministry of Communication and Informatics of Republic of Indonesia. All rights reserved.

In accordance to Republic of Indonesia copyright laws (Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta), the usage of copyrighted content is exempted from infringement (Fair Use) for legal administrative and security purposes with proper attribution to the source and/or author(s).

PSEDB © 2023 Reinhart Previano Koentjoro. Some rights reserved.

Our official version of the dataset, as hosted on and our Git repositories, is licensed under Open Database License (ODbL) 1.0. Our source code are released under MIT License.